(The term “Space of Love’ is inspired by Anastasia from the ‘Ringing Cedar Series’ by Vladimir Megré.)

“There is not a disease which cannot be cured by the Space of Love – a Space
you have created with your own hands and your own soul.

People are the children of God. the world of animals and plants, the air and the space around us – these are also God’s creations. And everything taken together is nothing less than the materially embodied spirit of God.
Let each one of us take a small plot of God’s land, pull his whole mind and
whole spirituality together and create a very small but concrete Paradise. He will transform his little piece of land on our large planet into a flourishing garden, giving a material embodiment to his spirituality, following God’s example.

If millions of people do this in a whole lot of countries, then the whole Earth
will become a flourishing garden, and there won’t be any wars, because
millions of people will be engaged in a grand co-creation.”

According to Anastasia
Ringing Cedar Series ~ A New Civilization ~ Book 8 Part 1; p 202-203

Any creature in the universe, from the tiny insect to a planetary being or beyond, has their personal space.

When we incarnate on earth, our first “personal space” is our body. As everyone has their own body, everyone needs their little ‘nest’ to place that body. Making a ‘tree house’ or ‘clubhouse’ is a passion for all children, it starts with a box or a blanket thrown over two chairs … With that comes preparing a cup a tea or some cookies and sharing food with others … Building a home and making food is always exciting; it resonates with the innate desire to be in one’s Space of Love.

As our first Space of Love, our body feels good when all organs and functions are in a loving harmony with each other, it’s a perfect balance of ‘serving and being served’ between all. Physical food, emotional food and mental food nourishes this Space of Love and brings in harmonious or conflicting elements.

The next Space of Love is our ‘home’ hopefully with a garden surrounding, very much intertwined within its social and cultural milieu. From here we can broaden out the notion of ‘home’ into the notion of our village or town, our country, and our planet, all made up of personal Spaces of Love.

As everyone ‘builds’ their own body, physical, emotional and mental, no one else can create your personal Space of Love. Like within our body, our personal Space of Love represents a cell within the Village Space of Love who is part of an organ of the planetary Space of Love, Mother Gaia, in a perfect balance of ‘serving and being served’ between all and everyone. Everything in nature shows us this principle of co-creation.

Only humans forgot how to do this. For different reasons humans lost their innate connection with nature’s co-creation. One of the causes is that humans replaced one’s self-realization with outer accomplishments. In doing so, a never-ending search for outside achievements is put into action. When this search becomes the driving force for life, the true sense of ‘service’ gets replaced by becoming successful in the outer world. From this, lots of misunderstandings about life’s creation and co-creation result. Foremost it causes a great feeling of loneliness and emptiness in one’s consciousness, a feeling that hovers as a somber thundercloud between one’s spirit and one’s fulfillment. Imprisoned in this pattern of outer realizations, one will search more and more to try to fill in the gasps of this fruitless enterprise.

On this endless search for fulfillment, ‘money’ came on board. The tragic ending of this journey is that being successful and thriving became confused with the concept that others can do the work for you by paying for ‘their service’.

Nothing in nature works this way. No seed will delegate its branching out to another tree. No plant will buy flowers to embellish itself. No bird will pay another to build its nest. Every creature allows their authentic creative force to manifest whatever is needed in their journey. From the wondrous spider web to the intricate beaver nest, from the miraculous crystal forming to the succulent pineapple juice, everything utilizes their own creative effort and in a universal co-creation makes the most astonishing manifestations happen.

Once again, only humans forgot how to do it. Only humans believe they can get around it. Although money can make you the owner of land, can purchase a house, can hire an employee to do any job, can buy exquisite art and juicy pineapples or can afford a luxurious lifestyle, money will never offer the fulfillment of sharing your Soul Gifts. Nothing but our own effort in service to a collective wellbeing in harmony with all of Life can make you the joyful and happy co-creator.

The Monastic Order of Lubof promotes Living Agriculture: co-creating and fostering Spaces of Love who’ll nourish us physically and spiritually.

build your homes, they will provide a happy life;

cultivate your garden, it will offer healthy food;

follow your inner guidance, you will decipher and manifest your gift;

believe in co-creation and a world of love will open up for you.


In this way, we can recreate a paradise on Earth where all may live in abundance and prosperity. We consider as a universal birthright that every human being has their personal Space of Love, which is embodied as their private sanctuary where they can live in sovereignty and express their Soul Gifts. We uphold that we as humans are stewards of the land that belongs to our Mother Gaia, and we want to embellish and enrich its wealth for all different kingdoms for generations to come.

Earth will become a Space of Love within the universe !